HOW TO STAY LEAN ON HOLIDAYS Today is our last day in Birmingham before we had …

HOW TO STAY LEAN ON HOLIDAYS Today is our last day in Birmingham before we had back to Dublin for 2 days before bailing to Croatia for a week of sailing the islands – waaaaay to excited. But with it all it means we're away from home for over 2 weeks. So how the hell do I stay in condition? Easily – the exact same way I would at home! I haven't brought any supplements with me no packaged foods or stupid Tupperware containers and don't even have protein powder. YOU DON'T NEED ANY OF THAT SHIT! Results come from food and training – not your fancy pre workouts hard-core fat burners or even your lollie flavoured BCAAs that prevent you going 'catabolic'. I've been training fasted at any gym I can find (God forbid humans train without a pre workout meal cause you might die ) eating out at restaurants and average 2-3 meals a day. I track my macros using Myfitnesspal and don't try to be a perfectionist about it – close enough is good enough. So long as you're consistent and are falling within a ball park figure you will NOT get fat you WILL continue burning body fat and you can even keep BUILDING muscle without gaining fat if that's your goals. Being away from home is not the end of the world. Track your macros train any way you can; gym outdoors apartment room whatever and RELAX. Be consistent and practice some portion control and you WILL stay on track – no excuses. Snapchat – recalibratedb by recalibratedbodies

Source by embloga2



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